Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mugs for the Winter

Some things to cozy up with this winter from Bailey Doesn't Bark and Shinzi Katoh. Yes, please--I would like ALL of them.

Shinzi Katoh Mugs

Bailey Doesn't Bark

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  1. I have a Shinzi Katoh mug shaped like the top and bottom ones, but I've not seen the middle one...and now I want one! LOVE Shinzi Katoh!

  2. the last one is neat.

    my friend for one of her art school final projects sent a bunch of things from around the world to her professor. each time, she would write the the to/from on the item somewhere ie) around the rim of a paper coffee cup.

    the last one reminds me of that. it'd be good christmas gift idea if you're good around pottery i guess.
