Thursday, June 25, 2009

Should I Yudu?

I am eyeing my next craft purchase: Provocraft's Yudu. It's basically a glorified and upgraded gocco machine. I have a gocco and really love it, but it's just so small!

The appeal of the Yudu to me mainly is that I can printer on a larger surface area and reuse bulbs and screens. I also wonder if I can use regular silkscreen inks as well. Also, goccos are no longer or not going to be made anymore, though I know there is still quite a stash in Japan.

I browsed around the web for some yudu creations and I really like this cute silhouette shirt that knitting lemonade made!

I tried it at the SF Makerfaire and it seemed relatively easy, though I did not see the screen itself get made. Anyone else try it yet?

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  1. i want one! yes you should yudu or you can just go back next year and try to win one lol


  2. sylvietta enchiladaJune 26, 2009 at 2:13 PM

    i think you should get one - the sooner the better so you can practice on all sorts of media! and colors! i'm sure someone will go split on the cost with you!

  3. you should get one so i can come over and drool :)

  4. i saw this at the maker faire too and totally wanted it too! my cousin actually won one during the raffle!
